Artificial Intelligence in Dental: 3 Reasons to Embrace

The PS Team
artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence in dental care, do you think it’s here to stay?

When new technology comes along, people often react in different ways. Some jump right in, seeing it as a chance to improve and grow. Others are more cautious, not sure how these new inventions fit into their daily routines. It can seem pretty wild at first, especially if it’s doing things we never thought possible. But as we get used to the idea and see how it works in real life, what seemed crazy becomes just another part of our daily toolkit.

Let’s go back in time to 1923, dental x-ray technology had just hit the market along with the electric shaver and frozen food.

Some dentists were quick to jump on board, but it took nearly three decades for it to really catch on. Can you picture practicing dentistry without x-rays? Hard to imagine in 2024, right? Knowing what you know now, do you wonder why it took 30 years for the dental profession to embrace?

Fast forward to the 1980s, when digital x-rays entered the scene. Again, adoption wasn’t immediate.  Most practices didn’t fully embrace digital x-rays until after 2000. And, believe it or not, we’ve met clients who still do not use digital X-rays.

The Artificial Intelligence Revolution

This brings us to now. Once again we’re on the brink of another technology leap: using artificial intelligence (AI) with dental imaging.

For some practitioners, it’s hard to imagine Artificial Intelligence use becoming part of their regular routine while others are incredibly excited to explore its capabilities. Already, integration of AI technology into dental imaging is revolutionizing the way practices diagnose and treat patients, leading to increased case acceptance and higher dental claims approval rates. Here are 3 reasons you should consider embracing AI sooner, rather than later.

1. Improve Outcomes

By leveraging Artificial Intelligence algorithms, dentists can now detect subtle anomalies and potential issues in X-ray images with greater accuracy and efficiency than ever before. This means that patients receive more comprehensive assessments of their oral health, leading to better-informed treatment decisions and higher levels of trust between dentists and their patients.

2. Improve Case Acceptance

One of the key advantages of AI-powered dental imaging is their ability to highlight areas of concern that may have previously gone unnoticed. This not only allows dentists to provide more personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s specific needs but also enhances patient education by visually demonstrating the urgency and importance of certain procedures.

As a result, patients are more likely to accept recommended treatments, leading to improved oral health outcomes and overall satisfaction with their dental care experience.

3. Improve Reimbursement Rates

Artificial Intelligence is also now used in the claims approval process with several carriers (Guardian and Metlife to name a couple). With AI assisting in the analysis of X-ray images, insurers can quickly assess the necessity and validity of proposed treatments, resulting in faster approvals and fewer claim denials. With many carriers making the move to Artificial Intelligence, it leaves practices with a clearer path to predicting approvals.

Summing it up…

So what does this mean for dental practices today? It’s pretty clear that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making serious waves in the dental world. We’re reliving the excitement of past innovations like radiographs and digital x-rays but with a modern twist.

Just as those technologies took time to become everyday tools, AI is on track to become an essential part of how dentists work. Sure, some folks might approach it cautiously, but history shows that embracing these changes leads to better outcomes, happier patients, and smoother processes all around.

Early adopters stand to gain numerous benefits from embracing Artificial Intelligence technology sooner rather than later. Being an early adopter allows dental practices to stay ahead of the curve, showcasing a commitment to innovation and cutting-edge patient care. This can attract tech-savvy patients who value advanced treatments and diagnostic tools, thus expanding the practice’s patient base.

So, to answer the question we started with — yeah, Artificial Intelligence (AI) I in dental care is definitely here for the long haul. And just like the electric shaver and frozen foods, it’s ready to shake things up in all the best ways!

  1. Overjet
  2. Pearl
  3. iTero

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